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Basic Application Switching > Network Address Translation > IPv6 Prefix-NAT > Configuring Static Prefix-NAT Table Entries

Configuring Static Prefix-NAT Table Entries
The Static Prefix-NAT Table pane contains the configurations of the Static Prefix-NAT entries. Each entry specifies how one ULA is translated in the IPv6 public Internet.
* To configure a Static Prefix-NAT entry
Select LinkProof > Smart NAT > IPv6 Prefix-NAT > Static Prefix-NAT Table.
(Mandatory) The first IP address in the internal network that uses Prefix-NAT. When a value for To Local IP is specified, this value must be the first IP address in the internal network that uses Prefix-NAT. When a value for Range Defined by Prefix is specified, this value can be the first IP address in the internal network that uses Prefix-NAT.
(Optional. Mutually exclusive with Range Defined by Prefix.) The last IP address in the range. When a value is specified for this parameter, the device translates the addresses in the specified range (From Local IP-To Local IP). When no value is specified for this parameter, the device translates all the addresses starting from the specified value for From Local IP.
Values: The IPv6 routers that are defined in the routers definition as having an IPv6 address. This includes all IPv6 routers from all farms. IPv4-only routers are not exposed in the drop-down list.
(Optional. Mutually exclusive with To Local IP.) When specified, the network is defined according to the value for the From Local IP parameter and the network prefix. This enables LinkProof to translate all the IPv6 addresses on the local interface.
The value can be less than or equal to the value of the actual prefix of the router. So, for example, if the router is defined with prefix /55 and the internal network is defined with prefix /55, the administrator can configure any value between /55 and /128 (single address).
(Read-only) The Global Unicast Prefix associated with the router with which the LinkProof device will replace the ULA’s prefix. LinkProof calculates the value according to the router specified in the Server Name field and the IPv6 address of the external LinkProof interface.